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Have You Tried Coconut Charcoal For Your Family Barbecuing?
For centuries, people in Indonesia have recognized the use of coconut shells not only as a natural raw material to produce handicrafts, but also as an alternative and / or supplement to traditional lump charcoal, to improve and prolong the heat produced for cooking. Coconut charcoal is an environment-friendly green alternative charcoal with many advantages…
The Meaning of Cowrie Shells
The cowrie shell has many uses and meanings. It has shown up in the form of money, jewelry, and even religious accessories in almost every part of the world. Found in the islands of the Indian Ocean, the cowrie shell soon gained popularity throughout much of ancient Africa. Its influence, however, also spread to China,…
Can Snails Make Pearls?
Abalones are large snails with a beautiful secret. Brown and grey on the outside, covered in seaweed, slowly crawling rocks in tidal zones whilst remaining firmly attached to them using a muscular foot, Abalones deposit striking iridescent mother-of-pearl nacre inside their shells. Abalones are a marine gastropod, a sea snail resembling a typical garden snail…
How I Drilled My Conch Shell to Make a Ceremonial "Pu" Conch Shell Horn
In all of the Polynesian islands, the Pu shell or Conch shell is a very sacred instrument used to begin ceremonies, ward off unwanted spirits, bless unions and was also used for important communication between islands in ancient times. Particularly in Hawaii, the conch shell is a very intimate part of every ceremony, beginning the…
How to Make a Winter Crafts Snow Globe
Snow globes are great for any occasion or holiday, simply by changing what you use to create your scene. Just let your imagination run wild! For example, make a harvest scene for Thanksgiving, a ghostly haunted house for Halloween, a red Valentine heart or colorful Easter/Spring display for the holiday of your choice. Other themes…
Great Information on Turtles
Information on Turtles are crucial in understanding them as pets. Turtles are reptiles, and more specifically, they belong to the order called Testudines as well as to the super-order Chelonia. This is why turtle enthusiasts often affectionately refer to their pets as Chelonians. Turtles are also commonly called terrapins in Great Britain, although this does…