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Getting to Know Your Local Turtles
During a visit to a pond last fall, I noticed a man and several small children leaning over a cardboard box at the edge of the water. As I approached, I noticed a brightly colored brown and yellow turtle crawling out of the box. I watched with a combination of amusement and horror as the…
Seven Secrets To Shell Cameo Care
Perhaps you are lucky enough to own, or maybe you inherited, a piece of shell cameo jewelry. That’s lovely! I just love cameos, don’t you? Here are the seven secrets to keeping your cameo healthy and beautiful: 1. Keep your shell cameo out of direct sunlight. Light will fade a cameo – I found out…
A Snail Can Sleep For Three Years – It is That True?
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Can Snails Make Pearls?
Abalones are large snails with a beautiful secret. Brown and grey on the outside, covered in seaweed, slowly crawling rocks in tidal zones whilst remaining firmly attached to them using a muscular foot, Abalones deposit striking iridescent mother-of-pearl nacre inside their shells. Abalones are a marine gastropod, a sea snail resembling a typical garden snail…
Do You Have “Turtle Tendencies”?
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Beware of "Real Authentic" Puka Shell Necklaces
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