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Getting to Know Your Local Turtles
During a visit to a pond last fall, I noticed a man and several small children leaning over a cardboard box at the edge of the water. As I approached, I noticed a brightly colored brown and yellow turtle crawling out of the box. I watched with a combination of amusement and horror as the…
How Do Turtle Eggs Breath?
A sea turtle nest gains an advantage from being between several inches (15 cm or more to top) to a yard (1 meter) under the surface of the sand. Temperature moderates as depth increases both in terms of absolute value and daily fluctuation. Water content of the sand stays stable of depths of the nest…
A Snail Can Sleep For Three Years – It is That True?
It is a rare event that you catch a snail on the move. Most of the time they are still, either asleep or appearing to be so. This is partially because snails are mollusks, which is why they are slimy. Snails need moisture to live, and if they dry out they will die. As a…
Scuba Diving or Snorkeling – What’s Right for You?
Let’s look at the basic differences between scuba diving and snorkeling so you can make the best informed decision about which to choose. There are differences in physical fitness ability, training, and equipment, as well as psychological implications you should consider when making a choice. Beginning with your purpose, is this a recreational activity to…
Memories of Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf
Televised golf has had many high moments over the years, but in my opinion none better than that outstanding production, Shell’s Wonderful World Of Golf. The program didn’t invent the format, but it certainly raised the approach to a new standard of excellence. In the early television days, All Star Golf was an attempt to…
Can Snails Make Pearls?
Abalones are large snails with a beautiful secret. Brown and grey on the outside, covered in seaweed, slowly crawling rocks in tidal zones whilst remaining firmly attached to them using a muscular foot, Abalones deposit striking iridescent mother-of-pearl nacre inside their shells. Abalones are a marine gastropod, a sea snail resembling a typical garden snail…