Great Information on Turtles

Information on Turtles are crucial in understanding them as pets. Turtles are reptiles, and more specifically, they belong to the order called Testudines as well as to the super-order Chelonia. This is why turtle enthusiasts often affectionately refer to their pets as Chelonians. Turtles are also commonly called terrapins in Great Britain, although this does not indicate any technical difference from turtles.

There are some 300 separate species of turtles in the world today, although the number may shrink as more of them-Sea Turtles in particular-enter the endangered species list. Turtles such as the Red-eared Slider and other breeds commonly kept as pets, however, are very numerous and in no danger of becoming extinct.

Like other reptiles, turtles are cold-blooded, meaning that their body temperature adjusts to match the temperature of their surrounding environment. This is why they need to bask in the sun to heat up their bodies and also why those that live in northern climates dig down into the mud and hibernate when winter comes.

The chief characteristic of turtles is their carapace (bony shell) which is an outgrowth of their ribs, fused together, that protects them from predators. The lower shell that covers the underside (belly) is called the plastron. In the majority of turtle species, the outer part of the shell is covered by scales (scutes) that are part of their outer skin. Certain turtles don’t have hard scutes: soft-shelled turtles and leatherback sea turtles have leathery skin over their shells instead.

Land-dwelling tortoises have somewhat heavy, large, domed carapaces. However, soft-shelled and aquatic turtles have lighter shells to keep from sinking in ponds and oceans and to enable them to swim faster and with more agility.

Turtles are able to withdraw their legs, tail and head safely inside their shells when they are in danger. Turtles have two ways of drawing their necks inside their shells: some contract their neck under their spine while others contract their neck to the side. However they do it, it’s quite amazing to watch.

Turtles’ noses are located high on their head so that they can breathe while mostly submerged in the water-just their nose above the surface. Never place a tortoise in the water, however. It is an entirely land-based anaimal and will drown in deep water.

Land turtles have flat feet with clawed toes, while aquatic and semi-aquatic turtles have webbed feet. Sea turtles are so thoroughly designed for life in the open ocean that they have flippers for limbs.

Turtles have no teeth, but have sharp beaks which they use to catch prey. Carnivorous species normally have knife-sharp ridges for slicing their prey. Plant-eating turtles have serrated-edged ridges to cut through rough plants.

Turtles’ shells are normally colored black, brown, or olive green. Certain kinds of turtles’ shells have yellow, orange, red, or grey markings such as streaks, spots, or blotches. The eastern Painted Turtle is one of the more beautifully-colored species: it has an olive-green or black shell with red markings around the edge and a yellow plastron.

The largest living turtle is the Leatherback Sea Turtle which can reach lengths of 6 feet 6 inches and weigh up to 2,000 pounds. The biggest chelonian ever to exist was Archelon Ischyros, and it stretched 15 feet from nose to tail.

Source by Todd Turner

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